Wednesday, June 5, 2013

News Break!

We finally found the spare time this holiday weekend to start our garden! Papa got the tiller working again and away we went! Chase even got to use the tiller all by himself! We are SO excited and are definitely looking forward to fresh veggies and greens this summer! Oh and did I mention that we have started the process of reviving our hidden orchard? It has been choked out all these years because no one cared to take care of it.... now that we are on the scene life to all Apple Tree's that are still hanging in there! Ha ha ha I rescued one myself last month! Sadly it is the only one that has been uncovered so far but soon others will be saved! (:  The one I saved finally has direct sunlight from the sun and so is covered in little round, green, baby apples! We are so excited! Come fall we will have fresh apples! Rocky and Chip are doing great! They have grown very strong and bossy....but if given enough hugs they warm right up to you. :P We have finished painting the Living Room, Dining Room, Hallway and a bedroom! We are in the process of painting another bedroom right now.

Everyone working hard!

Marissa, master of the tiller

Chase hoeing!


Blake playing in the puddles

And then on Monday I weeded out the flowerbed! I was amazed at how lovely it looked afterwords!

The wild Hostas

Another view of the wild Hostas

My little workplace......(:

My work boots...(:

And then this is my little work table (when not in use by Mama) for trimming and watering my dear little plants and flowers!

Yours Truly digging a hole for a plant. (:

Rosie (Allison's cat) had four kittens! Two black and white named Violet and Lidia , One Black (the only boy) Edward, and one gray named Georgianna. (:  We are all very thankful that Rosie has been a good mother to them! (: Henry, Marissa's cat, went missing two weeks ago and has not returned. We hope he simply found a wife in a new barn neighborhood and is living happily on milk and cat food.
Maxwell bless his heart has stayed on faithfully and guards the kittens when Rosie goes out to hunt.

Baby Georgianna

Baby Lydia

Baby Squeaker

Baby Violet

Have a great day! 
Emelie Claire

Friday, March 29, 2013

Surprise Post Is HERE!!!!


Please allow me to introduce you to our newest addition to our barn.

"Drum Roll"

Rockie and Chip! 

Twin calves who we will be bottle feeding for a farmer  friend of ours for 2 1/2 months! We are loving it!!!!!!! In fact we even got up at 7:00 AM this morning! That's big stuff!!!!! (: 

P.S I pulled all the pictures off of my everything is already Pre-captionedLOL All these pictures were taken this morning! 

So that is our newest addition to MeadowBrook Farm! More pictures of the calves and our finished painting project coming soon!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Remodeling update!

This is a very bad picture of myself but it is the only one that was taken of me working!
Chase scrubbed all the windows and doors of mud and nasty dead bugs!
What the Laundry room looked like for some time.
Papa installed a new shelf for Mama!

Random picture

The FINALLY organized mud room!
Pretty nice hu?

And I know you are all probably thinking the same thing....are they this organized all the time? Well the answer is no. I happened to be hard at work for at least an hour today organizing, scrubbing, folding  and washing everything so that I could take pictures for you all!!!  Ha ha ha ha ha But I do hope it last at least a few days!
The nice freshly painted door!

The other side that has not been painted yet!
Outside handle...(that has not been replaced yet)
Inside handle (That has been painted)  Yes paint makes a BIG BIG difference!
My sister Hanna helped me a lot today and while I was working on something or other she arranged and connected all the springs for me!  She is so thoughtful *wink*
Organized at last!

So what do I look like after  all this painting and organizing? 

I don't dare take a picture of the rest of me!