And now for a few pictures of the house! I know that this is only half the pictures then that NEED to be uploaded but that is entirely the phones fault! I sent them all to my email but it got a little overwhelmed so it just stopped! Soooooooo you only get to see half of the the pictures but that still is a lot of pictures!!!!! enjoy!
P.S I did NO editing on these everything is as it is!
The first bedroom off of the living room.
Hanna and Savannah's room
Their closet |
The other side of their room.....facing the door to the living room. |
The view you get when you leave their bedroom and go into the living room. |
And right here is where the phone quit on no living room pictures. ): But we can skip to Allison and Jessica's room. |
The end of their bed and one of their windows...all decor was done by Allison |
Their closet |
And now for OUR bedroom. This is my part of the room. LOL
The end of my bed and my dresser. |
My closet |
My little pictures and stuff on my closet door. (: I love you Michayla...(: And then there is a picture of me and Mama when I was really little! |
My organized (for once) dresser top. (:
Marissa's end of her bed and her dresser |
Both our dressers and closets |
Marissa's bed and our big windows! |
Her closet |
My side of the room again..... (: |
Our bed and our little dresser. (: |
The hall between Our room, The kitchen, Laundry room and Allison's and Jessica's room
The kitchen
Our little corner......LOL |
The hall...and I think you can see into Allison and Jessica's room! |
Cooking supper |
Happy Savannah |
Now this is a very intresting picture.....have you ever tried carving butter? I did and this is/was my masterpiece! You should try it! |
Working on the fall movie. |
Mama working on her dressers....(; |
Savannah |
And now a few pictures of our barn! This is the back entrance. |
Marissa......Adorable as always! |
The left side of the barn. |
A little rabbit hutch in on of the stalls |
One of the stalls that we are still cleaning out! Maverick is tracking down the Possum that lives in our barn....(: |
The big section on the left side of the barn that used to be a chicken house. |
The other side of the room |
Me and my favorite boots....(: |
Bonfire!!!!!! |
And that concludes the pictures for today! Marissa will be posting some other pictures that I took the other day but can not find at the moment! LOL Bye!
Me and Allison (: |
Very nice!
I've tagged you at my blog!